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Cottage Core meets Wes Anderson: A Colorful Take on the Latest TikTok Trend

As a long-time fan of Wes Anderson movies, I was excited to see the recent trend on TikTok where users are recreating scenes from his films or putting their own spin on his distinctive aesthetic. As a coloring book creator, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and create my own video showcasing my designs but using a cottage core twist. With the help of my kids, we combined our love for both Wes Anderson and the romanticized countryside aesthetic of cottage core to create a whimsical and colorful video.

For those who may not be familiar with the Wes Anderson trend on TikTok, it involves recreating iconic scenes from his movies or incorporating his signature aesthetic into your videos. This includes symmetrical framing, pastel colors, vintage props, and quirky characters. Growing up, The Royal Tenenbaums was one of my favorite movies. I was introduced to Wes Anderson via Rushmore and followed his career after that. Some of the most popular video recreations on TikTok include recreations of the "This is an adventure" scene from "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" or the "Bill Murray is in my house" meme from "The Grand Budapest Hotel." The trend has taken off with many users Wes Andersonifying their lives. It really has become one of my favorite trends and I have definitely spent some time scrolling through all of these creative and fantastic video recreations.

Our take on the trend focused on the cottage core aesthetic, which is all about embracing a romanticized, nature-inspired lifestyle. My two wonderful teenagers pitched in to help me. They both dressed up for it! My daughter wore my flower crown and a white dress. She even picked out an outfit for her brother to wear. We used my, binoculars, colored pencils, a camera, and her guitar as props. The goal was to create a cozy, whimsical atmosphere while still paying homage. Our video showcased my coloring books, which feature intricate designs inspired by nature, fantasy, fairies, and the Fae. The combination of the Wes Anderson aesthetic with the cottage core theme created a unique and visually pretty result which I am quite happy with.

What I love about both Wes Anderson movies and coloring books is that they offer a form of escapism, a chance to enter a whimsical, fantastical world where anything is possible. They both encourage creativity and self-expression, whether it's through coloring within the lines or putting your own spin on things. By combining the two in our cottage core-inspired video, we hoped to inspire others to embrace their creativity and indulge in a little bit of whimsy.

In conclusion, the Wes Anderson trend on TikTok is a testament to the enduring appeal of his unique style. By adding our own cottage core twist to the trend, we hoped to capture some of that whimsy and share it with others. If you're a fan of coloring books, Wes Anderson movies, or just appreciate a little bit of quirky charm, I encourage you to check out our video and see how we combined the two. You can watch the video here:

How do you think we did and what do you think about this popular TikTok trend? Have you tried it yet or are you thinking about trying it? Let us know in the comments below.

(Special thanks to my lovely kids for all their help and support with this and thank you to anyone that has purchased a book. I appreciate you all, truly!)

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